Thursday 15 July 2021

Parts of Speech in English

 Parts of Speech in English

English sentences are made up of words. Each word, in turn, is a part of speech. Here’s a quick review of the main parts of speech.

NounA person, place, thing, quality or actstudent, park, chair, kindness
VerbAn action or existence wordgo, run, be, drink, study, feel
AdjectiveA word that describes a nounhappy person
sunny day
AdverbA word that describes a verb, adjective, or adverbHe drives carefully.
She speaks English well.
ConjuctionA word that joins words, phrases, or clausesJohn and Mary

tea or coffee

I like you but I cannot go out with you.
PrepositionA word that describes a relationship between a noun and a noun, verb, or adverbin, on, at, into, beside, above, below, with
InterjectionA word that describes a sudden utteranceOh!
PronounA word that replaces a noun or noun phraseI admire Lili. She is an intelligent woman.

Where is John? He is at the clinic.

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