Thursday 15 July 2021

Speak like a Manager: 100+ Business English Collocations


Speak like a Manager: 100+ Business English Collocations

To be a manager, you need to speak like one! Doing that means upgrading your communication from general English to business English.

The eight verbs below are used frequently in professional contexts. You can combine them with hundreds of other words to create “collocations”. These are word combinations which people expect to hear together. Learning business collocations will help you sound more professional, feel more confident, and communicate more clearly.

Read through the list of business English words and collocations below. For each word, choose an appropriate collocation to describe a situation in your office or in any area of your life. Write down your own sentence. Then, read your sample sentence aloud. Saying the sentence out loud will make it easier for you to pronounce, remember, and use the new, advanced vocabulary in real life.


GENERAL ENGLISHpay attention to someone or something
BUSINESS ENGLISHfocus on or focus _____ on
COLLOCATIONSattention, camera, causes, clients, consequences, courses, debates, differences, discussions, documents, effects, efforts, energy, factors, family, goals, grades, health, image, income, lectures, markets, media, meetings, mind, outcomes, papers, priorities, reports, research, results, similarities, studies, talk, topics, training, thoughts, workshop
EXAMPLEYou need to focus on your job search.
GENERAL ENGLISHmake or do more of something
COLLOCATIONSbusiness, capital, cash, data, demand, discussion, earnings, electricity, employment, energy, enthusiasm, funds, goodwill, heat, ideas, income, interest, jobs, motivation, noise, publicity, resentment, responses, results, returns, revenue, sales, savings, support, surplus, waste, wealth
EXAMPLEHow can we generate more capital?
GENERAL ENGLISHfind someone or something
COLLOCATIONSareas, barriers, categories, candidates, careers, causes, characteristics, dangers, defects, departments, divisions, employees, errors, factors, flaws, gaps, goals, issues, jobs, limitations, locations, managers, means, motives, needs, objectives, opportunities, patterns, people, possibilities, problems, programs, reasons, solutions, strengths, suspects, targets, traits, ways, weaknesses, workers
EXAMPLEThe IT department is trying to identify the cause of the problem.
GENERAL ENGLISHput something into action
COLLOCATIONSagreements, changes, decisions, goals, guidelines, ideas, improvements, laws, legislation, measures, perspectives, plans, policies, priorities, processes, programs, proposals, provisions, recommendations, reforms, regulations, resolutions, rules, schemes, strategies, suggestions, systems
EXAMPLEThe new hiring policies will be implemented next month.
GENERAL ENGLISHmake the most of something, increase as much as possible
COLLOCATIONSadvantages, benefits, chances, effects, effectiveness, efficiency, gain, impact, income, interest, investments, likelihood, opportunities, performance, possibilities, potential, production, productivity, profits, recovery, results, returns, revenue, sales, success, time, use, utility, value
EXAMPLEHow can we maximize consumer interest in our products?
GENERAL ENGLISHmake the least of something, lessen as much as possible
COLLOCATIONSarguments, bias, chances, competition, conflicts, confusion, contamination, costs, damages, danger, delay, discomfort, difficulties, distraction, distortion, effect, emission, errors, expenditure, expenses, exposure, friction, hazards, impact, likelihood, loss, pain, pollution, problems, quarrels, risk, stress, suffering, waste, window
EXAMPLEIf they don’t minimize costs, they’ll be out of business soon.
GENERAL ENGLISHmake someone want to do something
COLLOCATIONSadults, buyers, citizens, clients, colleagues, customers, department, employees, family members, leaders, managers, myself, speakers, staff, students, supervisors, team, union, viewers, workers
EXAMPLEThese incentives should motivate our sales people.
GENERAL ENGLISHfix something
COLLOCATIONSconflicts, crises, differences, difficulties, dilemmas, disagreements, disputes, issues, matters, problems, situations, tension
EXAMPLEYou need to resolve your differences with the other team members.

TIP: Listen for these power verbs when reading or listening, and add any new collocations to your list!

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